The Invisible Realm
“My art is a journey through the invisible realm: a dimension where intuition, memories, visions and dreams are free to take visual form. Through my art I revisit concepts that have fascinated me, scared me and intrigued me since I was a child. The results, deceivingly deep, are compositions filled with symbolism and hidden meaning. Topics such as metaphysics, mythology, space exploration, sacred geometry and anthroposophy can often be found in my compositions, sometimes infused with a dash of retro-futuristic nostalgia and mixed in with the inevitable influence of pop culture that engulfs us. Therefore it is valid to say that my work relates to my own existence but it also makes part of a greater conscience...Or to be more precise, to the collective unconscious.”
Felipe Posada's work (aka the Invisible Realm) has been exhibited by Guy Hepner NYC and Fort Works TX. His recent series "Edge of Reality" has been widely acclaimed. When not diving into his subconscious, Felipe works as a Creative Director and runs his own motion design boutique studio between Brooklyn NY and his native Cali-Colombia.